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Mindy Mayes' Profile


Mindy Mayes

Science Teacher

profile pic

Contact Info:


Work Phone:


Conference Times:

4th period ~ 9:43 - 10:29

Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:

I graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology.

Currently enrolled in Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ to obtain my Master’s Degree in Biology, with an Emphasis in Education. 

Degrees and Certifications:

BS in Biology, with an Emphasis in Aquatic Biology

Texas Teacher Certifications:

  • Life Science 8-12
  • Composite Science 8-12
  • Science 4-8
  • Math 4-8
  • Special Education EC-12
  • ESL EC-12

Professional Development:

I am a member of STAT (Science Teachers Association of Texas).

I have attended many conferences and trainings for Science teachers, including:

  • Texas A&M University G-Camp for Teachers 2009 & 2014 (a 2 week intensive hands-on Geology field trip across Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado)
  • CAST (Conference for the Advancement of Science Teachers)
  • NMSI (National Math + Science Initiative)

I have also attended Capturing Kids’ Hearts training.

Current Position:

This is my 18th year teaching, 6th year here at DHS. I taught Science for 6 years at a previous high school, then transferred into K-12 Special Education for 6 years. Science has always been my passion, so I was very excited to get back in the high school Science classroom! I teach Anatomy & Physiology, Medical Microbiology, and sponsor the HOSA club. I am also the Science Department Chair, a member of the Purple Nation Committee, and a Group Leader for EF Tours, guiding international student travel. 

Personal Information:

My hobbies include:

Rodeos ~ we own ABBI and PBR bucking bulls

Travel ~ I absolutely love to travel in the US and internationally! I believe everyone should have the opportunity to travel internationally at least once in their lifetime. I have the awesome priviledge to combine my two passions as a teacher and traveler by leading student travel groups. Since teaching at DHS, we have traveled to the Swiss Alps and Mediterrean Coast, Greece, and London & Paris. We currently have open enrollment for Budapest, Vienna, & Prague for Spring Break 2025, Scotland & Ireland for Summer 2025, and Japan for Summer 2026.  If you are interested in student/parent travel, be watching for my travel emails.

Reading ~ I am an avid reader, but since I’m on the road traveling a lot, I also listen to audiobooks/podcasts. My favorite genres are true crime, mysteries, and some historical books.

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Mindy Mayes

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Contact Mindy Mayes

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
Conference Time:
4th period ~ 9:43 - 10:29