Dear parents/guardians,
In an effort to improve the quality of instructional time in the classroom, I will be following the directive that was issued by the Superintendent for Dayton I.S.D.’s schools. This directive states that there is a zero tolerance policy for electronic device usage by students in the classroom when it is not directly affiliated with instruction. I do understand that cell phones have a specific place in education but they can be very disruptive at times when more traditional instructional methods are being utilized. Therefore, the policy in my classroom is as follows:
All cell phones will be surrendered daily at the begining of class. There is a cell phone "Parking Lot" that will be clearly visible and cell phones will remain "Parked" until I give verbal permission that they can be removed from the "Lot." There is NO educational value connected to students who are distracted by cell phone use. My personal cell phone remains on silent and is put away UNLESS there is an on campus emergency or an on campus emergency drill that I would need to report to DHS administration.
I am also a parent and understand that there are times when I need to text my son or daughter. One thing I have learned is that unless it is a dire life-altering emergency, I NEVER text my son or daughter at their work place or schools. I am asking that you refrain from texting your student during class/instructional time while they are on campus as it is disruptive to the learning environment. If there is a true emergency, please call the DHS front desk and state the emergency and the front desk will gladly forward your phone call to the classroom that your student is in at the time.
So….. this also includes earphones, ear buds, etc...
In the event that a student disregards the classroom policy, a formal discipline referral will be written and the electronic device(s) will be sent to the Assistant Principal’s (AP’s) office. I will also email or call home to let you know that there is a problem.
I appreciate the support you will give to this policy as a parent/guardian. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Mr. Knepper